domingo, 21 de março de 2010

Just another analogy

Immutable. Intolerant. Unforgiving.
It's really sad to continue walking through dark tunnels, knowing that the light at the end is fake. Perhaps we all need to trick ourselves into being unaware of what happens. There's a child walking, a path that was made for an adult, but there is no way back. The cards were already thrown.
It's hard to face what we became. It may look dramatic and attention-drawing, to think that you have no more reason to wake up every morning, but it's not. It doesn't matter what they say, it is not cool. We all need our mornings, no matter if it is just a cloudy cold morning or one with a dazzling sun. But we don't need to walk alone everytime.
Every entrance in these dark walls brings something. Sometimes there's someone else at the other side and other people can join this frightening walk. Sometimes the holes are small and you have to make an effort into bringing the person around, sometimes it's a huge crack and people can come easily.
So, there are lots of other details in this analogy, but, I don't feel like writing about them. It's just an analogy made up in seconds to exemplify. Perhaps I've gone way too further into understanding life and forgot how to actually live it.
Among this twisted scenery lies a beaten hero, lost in it's past glory and looking for a sign. Just one.
Because in a way or another, we all need hope.

Um comentário:

Karoline Alves disse...

Seus textos estão diferentes. Estão mais expressivos, mas de algo bem de dentro de você.
São calmos, palavras simples, estão bonitos. Fazem bem.