quarta-feira, 20 de junho de 2018

Finish the sentence

What haunts thee?
I guess... images?
What sort of images are these?
Representations of people. Projections, simulations... The stuff you make inside your head after some sort of social interaction.
People inside your head?
Yes. Not the real people. I don't know real people, I only know their images.
But shouldn't you be afraid of the real people? What lies in reality can touch you. Head dwellers not.
But I don't know them, how can I be afraid of something I've never seen?
Well, you see people, you talk to people, you... are daily bombarded with social interactions or, at the very least, news about people. Media, news... Oh...
Seeing someone in the news ain't the same as really getting to know these people, right?
And talking to people doesn't mean you know them. What do they hold dear? How would they react in certain situations? What drives them?
I see...
But I don't know them. I know what I think of them. What I see of them. To truly grasp one's essence you've gotta walk a mile on their shoes, they say. I haven't walked much in mine's, imagine others'...
But why is it so scary?
What do you mean?
Why do these images haunt you?
Because of what they meant to me. In some aspect, I have some sort of blind admiration for them. I'm coming to terms with this feeling. I guess, it's basically my perfection worshipping at hand. What others do, what others say, has a greater value than it should have. I tend to forget they are just people like me, I think they are right due to the way they speak, but they are all as lost as me. But by considering them just as lost as me, I see them as inferior, for they speak as if they were truly confident. But how can they be confident if we are at the same hole?
So it's either, high heavens or low depths...
Yes, and at the end, I'm disconnected. They seem to be having fun. I haven't been having much fun. I had fun, I have fun, but it's never as much as others seem to be having. Maybe it's because they aren't comparing, they are just going. Why can't I just go?
Why do you want to go?
Maybe once I go, I don't worry anymore. I don't overthink anymore.
But what if you do?
Then it ain't going. It's something else on them that I need to mimic...
And then that's it? We'll live as a copy?
If that equals to happy, I'd be fine with it.
No you wouldn't. Deep down you know you don't feel the same enthusiasm. You've been on their parties, on their games, and that brought boredom. I can count all the times you wished to be back at home, back at playing your games. The world you left.
We won't have this discussion again.
Sure, not this time. But you do know, you can't deny.
How do they... connect?
It's not the images. It's...
Go on, complete the sentence. You're not any better than anyone else in here. We are all barred from this finale.