segunda-feira, 27 de julho de 2015

Rearm, part 4

Today was a very... volatile day. It start not very well due to the lack of sleep. The bad feeling of yesterday's night still remained. It became a bit worse during the job, as I felt pretty useless there. But once we had people talking about the past it became pretty much a common nice day.
Still, it then went all the way down due to a headache that came out of the blue.
I just slept, headache is gone, but so where the hours I had thought to use for working. And now I am here, while the night falls.
Despite the gloomy feeling that indicates weird things are headed this way, I think it is all a big bad result of bad nights of sleep.
Let's hope so.

The two ran through the ghost town. Long had it passed since he last feel so afraid in his life.
The entire place was full of terrors, and this time there was no one to lend a helping hand.

–Hey there! You with the shotgun!
He turned his head, for the first time someone had had time to say something.
There was a loud blast, and half the wall just collapsed. At a few dozen meters distance, a dark figure with distorted expressions mixed in one face stood.
Shotgun versus shotgun.

–Hello again! Did you miss meeeee?
Through the rooms they raced. Even though he knew all the passages and how not to get cornered, leaving the mansion wasn't a plan. And sooner or later, he would have to face it.
For the clown would never get tired in its pursuit.

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