sábado, 27 de fevereiro de 2010

So far... so good?

It's funny how you get tons and tons of ideas of texts you'd like to write. When you can't write.
And then when you come face to face with the opportunity of putting things somewhere, it all vanishes. Perhaps that's a challenge we have to overcome.
But I don't know, I don't want to talk about challenges now. I would like to understand people a little bit more, somewhat like the past, that would be nice I guess.
I would actually wish to note people more, but I know that's not something in the realm of possibility. I'm pretty numb when it comes to noting things in people. But that's life, we can live with it.
I'm tired. Isn't that weird? Somehow tired of reality again, but this will pass. The quest I imposed myself during these last moments of vacation seems to be going pretty smoothly, that's a rewarding feeling. Sure, it's not like a hundred perfect but seems quite close to it. There has been some not very good moments but that's a part of it all. I just hope I don't get totally away from people while trying to get closer to them. That really comes a possibility since we now know that the better we act toward people the worse we are with ourselves.
Perhaps I can suffice as my own protector.
But still, I'm tired.

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