domingo, 18 de setembro de 2011

Wonder Winter Bell

—Here, take this.
—What's this?
—That's a balloon, children love balloons. Ain't I right?
—Well, I like them.
—So take it, it's all yours.
—Thank you a lot, sir!

We watch this world through a glass wall. It's very dry out there, yet, we continue. Looks like a fine day...

—I know you hate sundays, so, I brought you something to make you feel better.
—A sundae recipe!
—What am I going to do with paper...?
—...We are going to use this recipe to make the best sundae we've ever eaten.
—So you came all this way to make me work...?
—...You can't be this lazy...
—Just kidding...
—Good for you.
—Thank you...

But that wasn't real, nice try though. I was told you got the ability to destroy memories, although you can't create new ones with your imagination alone. Good job on nailing those.

—Now, they're speaking about religion and that stuff. It doesn't really matter, they say when people got nothing else to keep their hopes, they dive into religious madness. You ain't needing that, I promised to protect you, to the very end.
—Also, there are a lot of other agents who can and will help you at all costs out there, at the present moment, we haven't contacted many, there are still other agents we have to get to know, but even having such a few will prove very handy.
—But in case it all comes crashing down, remember, you don't need anyone. It's us and us alone. Through these weird days you've created mind companions, you gave us a reason to exist and a lot more of attention than what we deserved, so, that's the least we can do. As you've proven to be a guardian angel to others, we can now serve you as such.
—So you are like, imaginary friends...?
—Quite like that, though a bit different. We aren't existing between levels, you can never see us, but we do chat a lot. We are... parts of you. A glance at your real potential.

Many of the things you try to show them, get out way too different than the original that started it all. I feel you are quite calm today, what is it?

Remember, I like to play with words in my head, and to create names or expressions that sound... comfortable to me. Or radical, it depends. I've been walking around with something stuck in my head these latter days. I don't know what meaning should I give it.

These three words...

They look good together, don't they?

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