quinta-feira, 15 de abril de 2010

At the pits

Welcome to the pits boy...
We've been waiting for you... for so long... you don't how lonely it's down here...
Can you hear their screams? We have millions of them screaming here... you could be one of them... easily... but you decided to be different, why is that?
Why are you different boy? Are you afraid of the boiling lakes...? They are just ashes...
We'll accompany you through the darkness, maybe then you can show us why are you different... perhaps your flesh tastes better...
You're not afraid of darkness are you? You can't see the way we see, but this place is beautiful, see that hook over there? I stood for five days in there...
How does it feel to be with us? Is it hard to face you're not stronger than us? Do you see these bruises? They are yours...
Remember the snow? We knew you would like this, we've prepared everything for you... hey, there's something here, near your mouth...
Oh my you are already bleeding, don't be in such a rush, we have the whole eternity to walk with you, there's plenty of places to die... and we waited for so long...

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