sábado, 12 de novembro de 2011

War is all we know...

Holy crap.
I'm getting too fucking emotional sometimes.

Make me want to go back there...
All the meeeeemories...
Make me want to go back there...

Shit. I gotta, make it worth it.
I'm going to study, that's what's going to happen, and then, I'll have a lot of time to play and get fucking insane.
It doesn't matter whether everytime we tried to make an effort before ended in deception. I just need ONE victory. Only one.
I have a lot of things to write about... damn.
Been talking to a lot of people. This is good. Everytime I spend too much time alone I get back to the sinking stage. But I don't have the guts to keep on asking people to walk around with me...
Thanks to all of you.

This is for you.

Um comentário:

YC disse...

Meeeeemories reminds me of a song..
and just so you don't forget: I don't approve of your studying that much.