segunda-feira, 7 de novembro de 2011


I, I had a good dream today!
Really? What was it?
I saw my friends playing Tales of Symphonia. Like, the good old days. And, I could see them! Even though the game looked different, it was just more awesome!

Looks like... even though we may not play anymore...
Even though there may be no one else feeling this...
We are still born to play.
It doesn't matter if we can't beat records or win championships.
What really matters, is that we carry it in our hearts. We miss playing. We dream with it. We feel it. We can see moments in games where tears just throw themselves frantically. Silently, we still hold the flag. For all those moments that made us who we are. It's hard not to cry when you hear the songs of all these times. It doesn't matter whether we did or not finish these games.
Guess that's love, right? Even if it's not aimed at a person. Even if it makes us ridiculous. And nerdy.
Fuck man, it's hard to sleep this way.

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