segunda-feira, 1 de novembro de 2010

The demon is dead?

I feel like exploding.
I can see a rocket flying in the sky, the sky is pitch black, there's no star, there's no moon, and I can feel some kind of interest toward it's destination, but I don't know where is it going.
I guess I don't know where's everything going, maybe, just maybe, this is the sign we were waiting...
I want my baseball bat.
Perhaps some people weren't meant to exist. They are here just to create problems. What do we do now?

I'd say, run as fast as you can. Run until you reach somewhere safe, somewhere you can trust people. Or just run until you can't even trust your legs anymore...

Why is it getting so dark? What has happened?
You said it would fix everything... but it didn't. And I guess even if it makes me feel nothing toward anyone anymore, things will stay odd...

I guess there's some feeling inside you that did not accept erasure...
Maybe he's out to get us now.

Can you help me?

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