domingo, 11 de novembro de 2007

Inner Struggle

Is it common to talk to yourself? I hope so.
Guess there are people who are born in the wrong world. Or maybe just the wrong century.
You know what I mean when you see something in a movie, or a game, or i don't know where, but you see, and you really wish you were there, in that situation. But you can't. And you know you are doomed to live in this world.
I don't really care if this sounds as ''nobody understands me'', the thing is just that sometimes you just need to be in that other world. You feel like you were made for that.
When you are in touch with that other reality, damn, it feels terrific. But it's always a slap in the face when you realize it just isn't real. But, this world has it's moments, you've got your friends, your life, and all that stuff. Guess it's just better not to think. Especially if in your head you talk with yourself, way of an unfriendly chat, if you know what I mean.
I know, I know, we all have to make a space for ourselves in this world. But there's no possibility of my place being the way I would like it to be, maybe (actually quite sure) it's better for mankind this way. And we have to fix it also (even though the actual situation is pretty bad, and there's those older people who keep with the ''which world will you leave for your children?'' talk... hell, look at the world have they left us to fix?). It just feels like the ''fantasy'' worlds are easier (and why not nicer?) to fix. It just depends on you, well, it actually only depends on you for changing our real world also, but there are billions of you's and many of them think that it depends on the whole, and as there are people who won't help, then it's no use to try to change.
Somewhat hypocrit that coming from me.
Well, we really are doomed to the ''what if...'' topic.

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