quinta-feira, 24 de agosto de 2017

No drives from this point on

I kind of think that everyone seems to be so certain of themselves. It's weird. How can they? And how come you talk to me about all these complaints and all of a sudden you seem to be sure? It that the norm? Am I the one who doesn't change or are you the ones who are bipolar?
Is it their words or is it my ears?
Was I born with this? Or were they?
It makes me cringe.
It makes me hate.
But I don't want to hate some of these people. I wanted things to be good. But maybe my threshold is broken. Good was something way past. And we didn't get ahold of it.
All this perfect imperfection yadda-yadda.
How can you be so full of yourself? If you are just as empty as anyone else?
We are all zeros in this count.
And I'm getting tired of emulating ones.

I guess I'm only good at this.
Well that's something you're good at, at least!
But what's the use of it?
Well, it serves for you to be good at!
Your ludicrous excuses of positiveness aren't being of much use.
But you were complaining of being good at nothing.
Now you are good at something. And something is eternities from nothing.
It just happens to be a something that has no utility.
So we'll make it become useful. Be so good at it that it looks like you're good at all else. But what they don't know, is that you're only doing the same thing. Except, it is being used in ways unimagined!
Idiotic again...

We'll program it.
Until the program defeats us.
And code do us part...

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