segunda-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2012


I wonder why do you have these dreams...
I told you, I don't know! But they are there everytime I sleep, anytime it may happen.
And what happened the last time you dreamed?
We defeated the Crimson King! And then we managed to cleanse Arris Kingdom's Crystal, now the creatures that live there are free from the darkness.
I see, that is somehow similar to some of the dreams you said you had in the past days, correct?
Well... we cleansed a few other crystals and travelled through lots of places, but we were never inside Arris Kingdom before... maybe he had been there before, I'm not sure.
Yeah! He is the one who is going to save the world, he represents all that is good. I met him one day walking through the farm lands, he said he was on a dangerous journey, so I joined him! But everytime I sleep I have to go around looking for him, because I always stop and start at the same point and he keeps walking!

Anything wrong, doctor?
I don't think that's a critical scenario, it doesn't look like anything out of a simple story made to call attention. Just avoid letting him sleep for long periods.

The door closes.
The lenses reflect the light, as if his eyes were two shining spots, staring through darkness.
The girl looks down, as if under the effects of hypnosis.
—Tell me about your... Wonderland...

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