domingo, 31 de julho de 2011

At thy request, part 1

If I remember correctly, I've told you to get rid of her.
And if I remember correctly, you've given her a challenge, and she succeded!
Just as others have already surprised you at first. She was supposed to get away with it, but she decided to insist, just to fool you, and you're already falling for it.
No, I'm not. She didn't just, pass your test, she blew it away.
You're FALLING, AGAIN. Just fucking get her out of here, don't even need to kill her.
I'm not doing it. You know the rules.
Do not use MY rules against me, they were created to protect you to begin with.
Can't you just...
Give her the benefit of the doubt?! Fine! Do it again, naive boy, and when she fails, you'll come here crying like a baby.
It could be easier if you cooperated...
I am cooperating by not tearing you in half right now.
I'm serious boy, make her disappear. She is already giving you orders, don't let her take you down.
She ain't giving me orders. If you're angry at the story, remember that we agreed in the retribution thing. They help us, we help them, they are kind, we are kind.
Just make her disappear.
Or I'll do it.

Ahem, I know it's late at night, well, it's almost morning. Almost 6 a.m. huh?
But it's safer this time, he won't see you. Don't worry, it's all in the plan. I'm giving you a chance, it's another instance of one of my many contradictions. I should be getting rid of you right now, but maybe, just maybe, the rules are wrong this time. That's the problem, I'm always too good to people when I shouldn't be. But I haven't brought you here to make you obtain my rants about life.
You wanted a dream, right? Well, I didn't have a good dream the day you've said those words, I barely slept in fact. So, I'll be giving you the dream I've had this last night. Well, what I remember of it...
I was in Curitiba, not the first dream I have about that place. There was a big hotel, I don't quite remember what happened in the hotel, I just know that it was quite dark in there, and the receptionist didn't quite like me, nor my friends. About the darkness, it's a constant, not a problem. At some point, I saw my friends at the reception and we agreed in going somewhere. We got out of the reception hall and ran all the way through the stairs. It was me and 2 friends, we entered my room, and talked a bit, over the bed. I feel like we simply jumped through the window and fell at the street. Not sure if that was what really happened. Our floor wasn't close to the ground by any standard, but it was a dream anyway. What followed next was a ludicrous race toward the japanese plaza. And if I'm not mistaken there were people after us (well, that's reasonable right?).
We got to a lake, and got desperate since we had nowhere else to run to. So at some point the girl with me said we should get to the other margin, and we reacted saying that it was easy to talk, but we couldn't swim all that much. To what she replied giving us boats. But we didn't get much far from the margin anyway, and we somehow felt that we weren't able to get to the other margin, since we did not have at least one oar. But she said we had to do it or else... well something bad would happen.
And, miraculously, we just used our hands to oar to the other margin. We then walked a lot, and we were simply lost, and couldn't get back. Still, we felt that we were near the japanese plaza somehow. So, we resorted to the bus, which in the dream was more like a subway on the streets. So, there we were, relaxed.
Until a woman came to get the tickets, and oh well, we didn't have then. We tried to "run calmly" in order to get away without driving too much attention on ourselves. Worked a bit, and the bus was almost stopping. When it stopped, she found us and asked about the tickets.
I said we didn't have them, we just got the bus to help a bit on our walk and we were sorry. Of course, we rammed to the exit door while giving such excuses. The girl got left behind since she didn't know what to do on that situation. So me and my only friend left walked through some plant filled plaza. Which at first we thought that was our desired place, but it wasn't, didn't have any temple. I remember seeing a dark stone church, a weird sight if you ask me. There was also a pub nearby, looked fun. We walked a bit, as lost as ever, until the girl found us, and after that I don't remember much.
Now, I believe you won't be any satisfied with this dream report. For it neither bore much information, nor was it sweet. Let me explain, about the information part, unhappily, that's true, that's all I can remember...
But, about the sweetness of it. It wasn't sweet not even for my standards, BUT, I enjoyed it. A lot. Just like the other dream about that city, there was that feeling of being in a weird and somewhat hostile place. Somehow I feel good with it, I like. Because it's something I have the weapons to fight back, not like those dreams in which you find yourself powerless with not much than minutes to live. There's the adrenaline of being in danger, there's... I don't know, but I like it. Even if the sky is always dark, well, even indoors it's dark, doesn't matter how many lamps you got. That's how it works in my head...
So, that was it about the dream, I've slept good this night, and I've slept a lot also.
Now... I reckon I owe you a story. Let's see. I could tell you the story about the porcupine and butterfly fairy, but that looks like cheating since I didn't make that one up.
Let's see... just look at my eyes and try to see what I see...
Oh no, the sun is coming. We gotta retreat, you need to hide!

Are you up to the challenge of playing the same game I play? Do not care to understand the rules, just play it as I do, and you'll be fine...

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