sábado, 27 de fevereiro de 2010


There were 2 parts on this one. But I just remember the second one, I'll treat this case as a single dream then.

It was... well, dark. Like night. Though not full night, it was more like, those very little seconds before darkness sets in. Or maybe it was just an effect of all the lights that were light around the place. Well, coming to think of it, there were some outdoors parts that were really dark, so I guess it really was the full night.
It was like... some kind of... club or those hotels where every apartment is a little house and there are many houses around. Just that this looked a little more... ''natural'', with lots of green and some tents here and there. I remember walking around normally through the place, many members from my family were there, mostly, if not all of them, from the father's side of the family.
I remember seeing some kids dressed as ghosts or skeletons or some more sophisticated things. Well, someone told me it was halloween, so it made sense. A very weird halloween since we were in October, but perhaps it was some kind of... party they had on that weird hotel.
There were some trails around and I began to walk through them, sometimes passing through groups of younger people, around their 15's I believe. Some were making a movie or just taking pictures. Everyone dressed as something. Some time ahead in my way there was a bigger house, seemed very dark when you got near it, perhaps the people in that one didn't like to have lights around them, who knows. I remember walking around it and then coming back to the initial point of my walk, that's where my family was.
At this part it all gets very bleak, perhaps there was some short dialogue and then I got back to the same trail. The thing was, something happened to my clothes. I had wolf ears over my head, my shirt had these shirt under it with long sleeves and some strange fingers in my hand. I figured it was some kind of werewolf look, though it was a bit odd. Some people stopped and talked to me, but I mostly avoided human contact. This time, the dark house seemed even more frightening, I thought about doing the exact same way I had done before but I just turned around and passed far from the house, coming back to the trail a little after.
Then I found her.
There was this girl with red and yellow hair, I'm not very good at describing colors, it seemed like the hair had once been a little darker and was now with yellow parts all over it, somewhat pretty I have to say. She wore a red riding hood costume, and she started to run at my mere sight. I felt like I had seen her before, and for some reason I sprinted after her. I managed to get to her, held her arm and we talked. She seemed comfortable with the dialogue, so she wasn't scared of me I thought. She brought me to a yellow tent, very big and with lots of children inside, she got in and talked something about the big bad wolf. It was all too strange but I managed to scare those kids.
Then I found a house with two huge holes were there should be doors and talked a little with my cousin and an aunt.
After that I went into a house that I believe was the one where we were supposed to stay, but it was just empty. This was followed with another dialogue with the family...
And that's about it.

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