quinta-feira, 26 de abril de 2012


There and back again, what comforts your mind?
There and back again, what blisters your mind?

Dis... traught.
The word contorted his face in a smile as it made it out of his mouth.

Under the building, facing the street. The air, calm and slightly cold. Wind blowind gently, but sadly.
His eyes focused nowhere, though one could say he stared uninterruptedly at the street. As a child that waits for a delivery anxiously.
There was nothing to wait though. It was over.
The emptiness in his eyes reflected the inside of him. Pain had made its way in corroding all that lied within. Despair filled his thoughts before, now, not even despair could enter, there was nothing. As someone who took a punch so strong there was no reaction available, he silently stared there, sitting in the elevated floor. Legs just hanging there in the air, no frantic or childish movements.
Was there nothing else to fight for? No more ground to step on for support? Where was the beautiful sky when he most needed it?
Sitting by his side, she sadly tried to hold him back where they really were. She tried to mark the real territory using words, but that just didn't seem to work.
Maybe... maybe nothing would work. Maybe that's how it was supposed to be. Over.
She glanced into nowhere also, could the answer be there, right next to them, calling for his attention, but still unseen?
Or could it be...?
She had already stood quiet for minutes, struggling in her head to get an answer. There was none.
Both, sitting in the ledge.
Nothing else happened in the world. No cars, no people in the street.
And that was how it got to be.
Sometimes a brief lightning of existance could strike through his mind. But as such, it didn't last long. Everything around him seemed to try to engulf him. Being a part of nothingness had never felt so real, out of reach, except for those two arms.
Those arms...
She hugged him, in a way her torso faced him sideways, and her head stood right next to his neck. Again, words.
Those had sound, though.
He sighed.
As nothingness surrounded them, she held him. Through eternity.

If only the meaning of enough could exist...

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