segunda-feira, 31 de outubro de 2011

A way out of nowhere

Explosions everywhere...
—Looks amazing, huh?!
—What do you mean?
—This... confusion. It's different from what we had before, I believe we are in the right way this time!
—Looks like so...
—No, it FEELS like so! Ain't it weird to feel?
They laugh happily.

I can't deny I'm afraid. But, who cares... fear is just, the start of things. If you don't get past the start, it will never end.

He's mad.
But I still like to see that smile on your face.

Soon enough, the captain of S.S. Troublemaker will show up.

Consider... your purposes defeated.
Marks, marks, marks.
Running with blood on t heir mouths. Screaming, bleeding like the plague. Free. Free of what? We are clashing each other for the sake of seeing our fellow hurt. Stop, stop. Or let us stop you. Please, please let me shoot.
Soon they will show their dreadful faces.
I want to scream, how do I do it?
Hold, hold, hold.
Hug, hug, hug.
You said, bug? But? Butt? Bust? Burst?
No, I just wanted hug.

Can sleep now.

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