domingo, 2 de maio de 2010


I know you said ''so be it'' that way because you didn't approve what was coming next. I know you wanted things to be different, I wanted it too. But let's face it, we are condemned to repeat this, over and over again. As soon as we begin, it will feel like it was exactly what we had to do, then hours will pass by as quickly as possible. The ecstasy will then start to fade, and then we will dive into a dark hole. As we delve further into the darkness we'll face the inverse feeling, it will be melancholic and bleak, things will look dead and probably we'll get to see enemies where we have never seen. Then something out of nowhere, without any warning, will get us to a flight out of the black hole. We'll probably think that's some kind of sign or that things are changing, but believe me, they will not. I'm telling you this, because I was there once. In fact, not only once. It never changes. But, you can't stop trying right? It never changes because we've never seen it changing, but once it happens, then it has happened. Up to you to take the risk anyway. So, will you accompany me through another cycle?

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