That's why we hang them on the walls. To wake up everyday and watch out trophies moaning and groaning, bleeding their last tears of life as we collect more and more of them.
Nail them right on their hands. Just two nails, one on each hand, the distance between each nail must be around the width of their arms wide open. This way we make it like those little paper cuts with man appearance, a long line of them, arms opened, blood flowing.
When they die, use them as adornments. Put them on the road, over the signs, hanged at the lamp posts, make scarecrows for the fields...
The ones who scream too much and disturb your sleep? Off with their tongues. You can leave it in their shoulders, or over their heads, or just dispose of it.
Grosser plays with them, I tell you not to play with your furniture. But, oh well, it's up to you. The thing is, it rots faster. Then you have more work finding more and preparing more. But it's really up to you. I prefer the old way, the old flesh screaming way. But Grosser prefers to tease them with death. To each his own.
You can use your creativity while furnishing your room. You can get some scalps to keep a count, sure, but you can also use their hair on your dolls. Sometimes they align their heads in a nice way after being scalped.
Oh, about that statue... it's Grosser's. He likes to use a jackhammer on some of them. He says the sound it makes when the drill passes the skull makes him relax. It's a really interesting sound, because it mixes a lot of things, the scream, the skull cracking, blood spurts. Grosser covered the woman he first used it with cement, and put her in that pose. Looks like some broken antique or maybe some piece of phylosophical art, he was really inspired that time. He is creative, that's not a doubt.
But don't think you won't be shining. Sooner you will get ideas and get them out of your mind, we believe you will. It's always just a matter of time. Just a matter of time.
One final question? Sure.
Hm... in case they run. Well, don't worry about it. We are not alone, most of our decorative material is hunted by others, few of these you can see up there crying were brought by ourselves. If they get to us, they are already not in their running capabilities. But, if, and I've yet to see it, they escape, then the real hunt begins. And they won't be getting human bodies to decorate their homes.
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