You know what? Religion is bullshit.
That's it. Humans are not made to have religion. They CANNOT comprehend it. They don't have enough intelligence to stand it. They don't have enough respect for embracing it.
There's no way this is real. It gets more and more obvious each day, that religion is just a reason they've invented to not feel remorses for war. You kill them, but they were from the DEVIL, they were evil, because they believed in a thing you don't believe. Isn't that good, demon slayer? Exterminating families, hope, happiness never felt better. You can throw your frustrations over other people, rape, murder, and many other nice actions of war, and still return home like a righteous paladin.
People can not understand what they supposedly believe. That's ok, humans are morons and we are all destined to oblivion after all aren't we?
We watch it silently, day after day one religion versus the other. Quietly they attack, because they must disguise it under this stupid wall of love and kindness from their gods or anything that might represent something similar.
Praying everyday won't make you a better person, face it. How can people ask for a better world and protection and all that crap after what they do everyday? Oh come on, don't come with the stupid "people aren't perfect". Can't you get better? Can't your fucking gods or icons or whatever make you see how much of an ASSHOLE you are every SINGLE day of your life?
I can't believe you still keep on saying that god or whatever is the greatest and he can pardon your mistakes as long as you regret making them.
But you may be right after all, so... heaven is doomed, hopefully I'm not going there.
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