I come to wonder why am I feeling this way, toward people talking about social engagement.
Been thinking about the salaries we receive and how it doesn't feel like we honor it.
This makes me sad.
World seems too messy and I don't have the tools to clean what's in front of me, let alone what lies beneath.
It looks as if the inverse hipster behavior is mixing with distrust of social stuff and demagoguery, as if "I liked something AFTER it wasn't cool anymore" wasn't enough.
Maybe it all went down the moment you thought what people said meant something. Maybe your error was to think people knew anything other the scent of their asses.
I really wanted to feel the hype others feel. I would enjoy music and movies, and maybe even games, more.
Or maybe I don't really want it but the idea of fitting in easier is on the rise.
I wonder how can people keep on this masquerade game of being so sure and pointing fingers. Maybe it's because they are mostly pointing fingers to groups. That way your finger can always be pointing to the right target, even though there are a shitload of wrong targets around.
Perhaps... all that came from hating being told what to do, or how to be.
All that is left is wonder, wonder.