segunda-feira, 27 de julho de 2015

Rearm, part 4

Today was a very... volatile day. It start not very well due to the lack of sleep. The bad feeling of yesterday's night still remained. It became a bit worse during the job, as I felt pretty useless there. But once we had people talking about the past it became pretty much a common nice day.
Still, it then went all the way down due to a headache that came out of the blue.
I just slept, headache is gone, but so where the hours I had thought to use for working. And now I am here, while the night falls.
Despite the gloomy feeling that indicates weird things are headed this way, I think it is all a big bad result of bad nights of sleep.
Let's hope so.

The two ran through the ghost town. Long had it passed since he last feel so afraid in his life.
The entire place was full of terrors, and this time there was no one to lend a helping hand.

–Hey there! You with the shotgun!
He turned his head, for the first time someone had had time to say something.
There was a loud blast, and half the wall just collapsed. At a few dozen meters distance, a dark figure with distorted expressions mixed in one face stood.
Shotgun versus shotgun.

–Hello again! Did you miss meeeee?
Through the rooms they raced. Even though he knew all the passages and how not to get cornered, leaving the mansion wasn't a plan. And sooner or later, he would have to face it.
For the clown would never get tired in its pursuit.

The Sunday curse

It is indeed curious that you feel like that every week. Every single Sunday comes as problem, sometimes thoughout the day, sometimes during the night. Specially the night.
Hate these nights.
What is so horrible about Sunday? I don't know. Is it the fact that you have to work the next day? But it has been like this for longer than you've been working, there is no feasible hypothesis.
Why do I have to miss company? That is the billion dollar question. It sucks. This attention deficit sometimes soar sky high. Hate this shit. Hate liking her. Hate missing her. Hate needing people.
Wish we could dig deeper enough as to build a fortress.
That would be the fortress of hatred, sounds good, doesn't it?
But I need to calm down, no matter how bad it feels right now, tomorrow it will be gone. Someday it will be better, that is one of the things you learn in life, things pass. Can't stop it.
It will get better, eventually. I feel like breaking the vow of not making that wish again. You never know how will a wish come to you, gotta be careful. But I believe we are already jaded for that, so I repeat that wish for company. May the best survive.
Doesn't matter if something is stupid or not, what matters is what you feel. Gotta repeat that until I believe it. I wonder how do I feel, or what do I want. It's always a very misleading question. I get angry at these types of questions.
But what did I want now, really right now. Was someone to accompany me through these harsh sleeping times. That would be nice.

Rearm, part 3

Weird day it was. Woke up with a very bad feeling, but everybody seems to be ok, so I guess it is ok. It was just a dream, I don't remember it very well, I just know that there was something about a car crash, possessed people and that woman pulling a man's hair out of his head then pressing his eyeballs into his skull. Was a bad vision.

–Do you think I would ever be dangerous?
–I don't know, do you want to become dangerous?
–I guess not.
–Well, if you really want to become dangerous, then I think someday you would be.
–Eh, makes sense.

Why do I have to end up locked every single time?

Looks like I am doing your job now.

–Do you think there will be a way for both us to end up alive?
–I don't think so...
–We'll really have to end up killing one another right?
–Yeah... but, you just have to... kill... me. It sounds... not so well, but, things will be better by then.
–Are you really ok with that?
–We'll find a way.

quinta-feira, 23 de julho de 2015


You see all those stars there in the sky?
I kinda do. I wonder what happens in the next chapters. Are we going to be unable to see them? Or will we discover that the stars we see are just a small bit of what really lies over there?
Today was a good day I guess. Besides being lackluster at work and feeling out of place, we got to do something different and it felt very good.
I wonder, if someday I can get new chains.
I guess I'm sleepy, that's why I'm saying rubbish. Don't bother with the rubbish. I'm actually glad I feel this way, I don't feel much sleepy normally, so this is refreshing. Perhaps I feel like I did something good today so my mind decided today wasn't a day to punish.
You know, it doesn't matter. Wanna sleep over? I'm glad to get some company. You can stay there, worries not, in fact you don't even need to sleep if you don't want to. Just, stay close...

quinta-feira, 16 de julho de 2015

Rearm, part 2

Been having this funny feeling everytime I think about screaming "Mike". It's like a big pool of fiery hatred and also an endless void. Getting a little bit emotional I guess, perhaps that is normal.

–You know, perhaps one good thing about getting every part separated, is that we can get stronger individually.
–You think so?
–I think so. I mean, we have to be bold to face adversities.
–And are you being bold?
–Erm... a little bit more?
–You were never quite there, among the brave ones. But I'm sure you know that, don't you?
–I do, BUT! Now, we have no one to protect us, so we'll have to get boldened up.
–What if...
–You were left truly alone?
–You mean, not even without you?
–Yeah, not that I'm leaving any soon. But do you think you would have stood up to the challenge, this far?
–I don't know, I think so.
–Don't you find it weird that among all parts, you were the only part that had some companion from the start?
–I've thought about it these days. Maybe I am the... weak part, right?
–Yeah, that whole mumbo jumbo about weakest link in the chain. I ain't the strongest, nor the bravest, nor the smartest. I just, carry things I guess.
–Nah, don't worry about being the weakest link. That's full of shit. I just came to think about that now.
–There sure is a reason. Perhaps, it would be because I wouldn't enjoy the ride as much as I'm doing now. I mean, even with all the weird things happening, I think, we are getting some sort of fun. Not exactly fun, but, it is being a ride... if it makes any sense.
–I think so kid, I think so.
They watch the sky smiling with its millions of stars.

–What the fuck are you doing here, junk?
–Just trying to find someone. Perhaps someone in your group can be of use.
–We are not here to help shitty strangers. Lower your head, junk.
–Can't, I really have to find her.
–Arrogant scum like you will only find death in here.
His eyes shine.
–That is exactly who I'm looking for!

segunda-feira, 13 de julho de 2015

Rearm, part 1

Slowly, the parts start to move to get back together.
We might be all separated by strange distances and lost contacts, but we will find a way.

–I'm not sure if this is the way...
–But we don't even know where we have to go, any way can be a way.
–Look, another city.
–Hm... at least the people we find seem to be very helpful, right?
–Yeah, it's always soothing to see some friendly faces.

–So, these are the ones that may have information. It doesn't matter the outcome, I'll find you my dear, I'll find you.
The man leaves the room as light fades. Those weren't good informants, may their bodies join their usefulness.

It looks like we've all became some sort of deranged lunatics, each in their own way. I am hunted by the same memories that make me want to go ahead. How long until I find them? How long?
And more important, what would come next? Is it going to work?

He silences the world. Blood paints all around him. His head plays a wild song, distorted, beating as his emotions dance. He screams, but there's no sound.
There's blood in her face.
The scream ends.
She walks up to him, kneels and grabs his cheeks. His eyes seem to return to their world.
As their foreheads encounter, she says:
–It's all going to be okay, it's going to be okay...
His arms can't move. It's all up to her strength now.
–Look into my eyes, will ya? We'll move when you're ready.

He moves with shotgun sounds. Until he finds the ones he seeks. The rest, no words, no mercy.

domingo, 5 de julho de 2015


Primeiramente vamos parar com essa palhaçada. Já não basta o tanto que você afundou nesses últimos tempos, você ainda me vem aqui com a pá na mão pra cavar mais fundo. Nem venha com essa merda.
Levanta essa droga dessa sua cabeça e faz alguma coisa de útil.
Que tal ser homem pelo menos uma vez na vida? Fazer o que você falou que ia fazer, hein?
Cumpre a palavra pelo menos uma vez.
Ficar dando desculpinhas e arranjando brechas pra continuar aí não vão te salvar.
Na verdade talvez nada te salve. Mas ficar aí parado é a certeza de afundar mais. E não é isso que você quer, é?

Eu entendo. Não posso me diexar afundar nesse lamaçal de merda. Ainda gosto dela, tava tudo bem até aquele dia. Bom, talvez isso tenha sido necessário, de outra forma eu ia continuar me enganando achando que estava indo pra frente quando na verdade não estava.

Tem um monte, UM MONTE, de outras pessoas por aí. Pode demorar, mas você acha uma. Torçamos para que não seja uma psicopata assassina, mas garanto que você encontra alguma.

Eu sei. Às vezes eu fico pensando que na verdade eu queria ela... isso dói e é uma droga.

Mas dor é a segunda parte mais certa da vida, perdendo apenas pra morte. E agora nem morte tem mais, é eu e tu. Você vai ter que repetir todo dia, todo dia, que ela não vale a pena. Que isso tudo é uma palhaçada. Pode demorar... um bom tempo mas com o tempo você passa a acreditar. Como as pessoas normais, hein?


As pessoas vão viver a vida delas, e você vai ter que viver a sua. Pare com essa palhaçada de querer montar um império com alguém. É você, sozinho. O resto vai tentar te matar, da forma que eles conseguirem. Eu sei tão bem quanto você que você não consegue acreditar nisso, e que a coisa que você mais deseja agora é a companhia dela, mas não dá cara. Não dá. Não é uma coisa que só você escolhe e pronto. Você não pode ficar na mão dos outros, como um cachorrinho que sai abanando o rabo quando o dono chama.

Eu vou...