sábado, 9 de fevereiro de 2008


I have been trying to keep low expectations for almost every movie I go to see at the movie theaters, doing so I prevent the feeling of wasted money and sometimes get a really really cool surprise. But then, there's this movie. I felt somewhat excited for it, even though the first trailers didn't show much. Maybe because of the cool name or, the destruction it appeared to show.
The latest trailers have shown more... excitement. I like what it shows, that wicked series of happenings, shots, screams, loud noises and desperate people running to somewhere they don't even know. Indeed that's a interesting point, why most of the people simply run anywhere when they panic? That just fucks it up. But on with the movie... well, I actually don't know what to say, I got very disappointed by the mysterious attack, why did all that happen? No explanation is given. That's some cool thing if you stop to think about it, many people complained the movie sucks because you end the way you began, absolutely clueless. But while watching the credits hoping for some, explanation, I began to think about this, the human curiosity many times just ruins it all. Damn, the movie rocks, but you really can't do nothing about the feeling of incompletion. But then again, let us rethink some situations, many times you die without even knowing what the hell happened, like bullets or weird accidents. That's reality, a harsh reality, but it is. The people on the movie were just in the same shitty situation. I will keep the positive look for the movie, even though I feel that I should know what was the monster and why it all happened.
A confusing point... confusing for me, I don't give a crap to what others might think of it being confusing or not, the reality. I thought the movie got quite feeling of reality, in fact, super real. The deaths, the whole carnage with characters that struggle to survive right in front of you. I dislike deaths in real life, my carnage is in fiction, for as in real life things are much worse. As a guy said in some gory movie review site, ''In real life there's no way back, no buttons to take those actions back''. I don't know if it sounds weird, but I love that carnage in movies, I like the deaths, the screams, the... well, it rocks. But I found myself somewhat affected by those character's death. They are not gory, way far from being it, but they got me, not like a truck rushing into you, but as a insect that keeps doing irritating noises. I didn't feel like laughing out loud watching them die, neither felt like crying. That ''keep around those you love'' thing... damn, I think about my girlfriend with all this, just hope I could protect and walk with her at a similar situation (if it was possible, never mind). But not just that, the other thing that got me was the... situation. I admit, believe it or not, that I would like to be in some situation like that one. I've always had this need for a super uncommon happening, that's one of the reasons I love playing games. The run for life, the devastated city, the helpless feeling... I can do nothing, I simply like it.
Never forget. Never forgive.